9/11 Pastor Seeks Peace

In 2011, Myrna Bethke marked the tenth anniversary of 9/11 at a ceremony for family members at Ground Zero. She was chosen to read the names of some of those who died that day. 

Bethke is now the Gateway South District Superintendent for the Greater New Jersey Conference.

If you are interested in learning more about Peaceful Tomorrows, visit their website.

This story was first posted on September 11, 2011. It was produced by United Methodist Communications. News media contact is Fran Walsh at 615-742-5458.

올린날: 2015년 9월 11일, 연합감리교회 공보부, TN


세계적 우리 교단의 ‘미래를 위한 기도운동 (Praying Our Way Forward)’

연회들과 해외지역총회들은 특별위원회와 교단의 미래를 위해 75주 동안의 기도운동(Praying Our Way Forward initiative)에 참여하고 있다.

2016 연합감리교회 학생주일, 11월 27일

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