Louisiana Annual Conference

Bishop Delores J. Williamston of the Louisiana Conference places a stole on the shoulders of the Rev. Deen Thompson at Edgehill United Methodist Church in Nashville, Tenn., on Dec. 1. The Rev. Ali Young (far left) of the Louisiana Conference and Thompson's husband, John, also attended. Photo by Susan Ruach, courtesy of the Louisiana Conference.

Elder’s reinstatement marks healing moment

The Rev. Deen Thompson is an ordained elder again nearly 50 years after he was removed from ministry because of his sexuality. “This moment was important for Deen, so it was important period,” said Louisiana Conference Bishop Delores J. Williamston.
Church Leadership
The Rev. Dr. Tori Butler. Photo by Dominque J. Allan, Create It Photography, LLC.

Black clergywomen experience freedom to dance, operate, manifest

At its national meeting in New Orleans, the Black Clergywomen of The United Methodist Church caucus gathered to encourage one another and be encouraged by peers in key leadership positions.
General Conference
The Rev. Matt Rawle sings during morning worship at the United Methodist General Conference in Charlotte, N.C. Rawle is a Louisiana Conference delegate at the conference but also is on stage during morning worship, singing with the band. Photo by Mike DuBose, UM News.

Worship band singer also is delegate

The Rev. Matt Rawle is a Louisiana Annual Conference delegate at General Conference but also is on stage during morning worship, singing with the band.
Social Concerns
Names on banners honor those who died in an arson fire on June 24, 1973, at the Up Stairs Lounge, a gay bar in New Orleans' French Quarter. Photo courtesy of the Louisiana Conference.

Church marks 50th anniversary of tragic fire

June 24 marked 50 years since an arson fire at the Up Stairs Lounge, a gay bar in New Orleans, killed 32 people and inured 15 more. Churches across the city refused to assist with proper funerals, however, St. Mark's United Methodist Church held an open service for those affected.

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Faith Sharing
Kayla Alexander (left), who attended First United Methodist Church of Baton Rouge as a child, attended the church virtually while her family was in lockdown because of COVID-19 in Australia, where they now live. Alexander and Jamie (to her right) brought their third child Brady Alexander to Louisiana to be baptized by the Rev. Brady Whitton at First United Methodist Church. Photo courtesy of Kayla Alexander.

Virtual church will continue after COVID-19

The rewards of online ministry are too rich to give up if and when the coronavirus is a thing of the past, said a pastor in Louisiana. Three stories from First United Methodist Church of Baton Rouge illustrate his point.
Disaster Relief
Members of a volunteer team from the Amish community in Ohio work on a home that was damaged by multiple natural disasters in Lake Charles, La. They are part of a coalition of the Louisiana Conference of The United Methodist Church, Fuller Center Disaster ReBuilders, and Mennonite Disaster Services.

Multifaith coalition helping with Louisiana storm recovery

A unique partnership formed by United Methodist, Mennonite and Amish communities is helping with recovery and rebuilding efforts in storm-ridden Lake Charles, Louisiana.
Mission and Ministry
United Methodist Church of Bound Brook, in Bound Brook, N.J., is dealing with Hurricane Ida flood damage, including to its thrift shop. Photo courtesy of the Rev. Chuck Coblentz.

United Methodist connection kicks in after Ida

Church damage reports mount in Louisiana and Northeast, but spared areas are helping, including a $100,000 donation from the Alabama-West Florida Conference to the Louisiana Conference.

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