Blogs and Commentary

The Rev. Dr. Tércio B. Junker Photo courtesy of the Northern Illinois Conference.

In the Wesleys’ footsteps: Reflecting on justice, faith

A pilgrimage to key sites in the lives of John and Charles Wesley yields insights and inspiration to carry on their work of social and personal holiness.
Mission and Ministry
The Rev. Paul W. Chilcote. Photo courtesy of the author.

A refreshed Wesleyan vision is emerging

As it moves past a divisive time, The United Methodist Church can experience renewal by embracing the values laid out by John and Charles Wesley.
Social Concerns
The Rev. April Casperson. Courtesy of Otterbein University.

Amendment would make church more open

The United Methodist Church can be a more welcoming denomination by adding gender and ability to its constitution, clergywoman writes.
Mission and Ministry
The Rev. Dr. Jean Claude Masuka Maleka. Photo by Mike DuBose, UM News.

Mission can revitalize United Methodism

John Wesley’s principles provide a path for strengthening the denomination.

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Church Leadership
The Rev. Neelley Hicks. Photo courtesy of the author.

Churches build bridges to counter hate

United Methodist clergywomen share how they are promoting understanding across differences in their communities.
Faith Stories
The Rev. Mel West. Photo courtesy of the Rev. Mel West.

World news becomes family news

Updates from around the globe have personal significance for retired United Methodist pastor. He reflects on how his family has grown during his many years of ministry.
Human Rights
The Rev. Christopher P. Momany. Photo by Kristen Schell.

Resistance is not enough

United Methodists’ baptismal call to resist injustice demands attention. “What does God call us to be for, that at the same time might require our resistance to systems and structures?”

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