2024 Alaska Annual Conference

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The Alaska Annual Conference met June 27-30, 2024 in sunny Anchorage, Alaska at St. John United Methodist Church under the leadership of Bishop Cedrick Bridgeforth.

The theme of the Annual Conferences across the Greater Northwest area was “Being Well.” It is based on the story of a Samaritan woman’s encounter with Jesus at the well from John 4. In his call letter, Bishop Bridgeforth said:

In the ancient world, wells functioned as grocery stores do today, a communal space where towns folk and travelers alike would gather the precious and necessary resource of water. The chance meeting of Jesus and the Samaritan woman and their interaction brought refuge for her and those around her. Their encounter prompts a teaching moment for Jesus, which we can choose to learn from even today.  

Our call was to be well emotionally, physically, spiritually and ecologically as a daily pursuit.  

Bishop Cedrick has introduced our conferences to his M.I.L.E. concept (Ministry that Matters; Itineration & Location; Lay Ministry Enhancement; Eliminating Racism) and if we are going to do good work in the church, it requires us to be well ourselves, to care for the wellness of others, and maintain or develop systems that support us in all the work God calls us to do.

Along with the business of approving budgets, shaping committees, and approving statements, it was a time to recognize those who had excelled in various fields of mission and service. Moreover, we were able to hear from some of our colleagues from around the episcopal area, such as a moving memorial service message from the Rev. Allen Buck of Great Spirit United Methodist Church in Portland, Oregon.

Of Note:

  • We spent three blocks of time doing equity work together and celebrating the Equity Cohorts that are shaping ministry across our Area. We still have much work to be done.
  • The Alaska School of Theology took place at St. John United Methodist Church during this weekend and several Annual Conference participants attended the classes led by the Rev. Dr. Jame Clark-Soles.
  • We celebrated the work of Ola Toe Fuataina United Methodist Church and transferred a church property in Anchorage to that congregation for continued worship and outreach.
  • We highlighted native indigenous work with Anchorage Native Hope, the work of the Rev. Charles Brower in Utqiagvik, Alaska, and the ministry of Nome Community United Methodist Church.
  • Over 100 United Methodists participated in the Anchorage Pride Parade on Saturday, June 29 and got a “shout out” from event organizers for the work that St. John United Methodist Church has done in the Anchorage area.
  • On behalf of the church and our collective history, we formally apologized to survivors of sexual misconduct.
  • We said “goodbye” to our outgoing (and retiring) Conference Superintendent, the Rev. Christina DowlingSoka, and welcomed our new Conference Superintendent, the Rev. Kristi McGuire.
  • We commissioned new clergy to serve in the Alaska Conference and new local pastors who are beginning work in Alaskan churches.
  • We did not pass a budget at this time but will have a special called session of the Annual Conference later in 2024 after more work is done.

The business of the conference ended on Sunday afternoon, June 30, after a morning spent in area churches for worship. Dates in May 2025 were set for next year’s Annual Conference. Then we all scattered to our local mission fields across the 665,000 square miles of the Alaska Conference.

Did the conference approve any churches leaving the conference? None

Number of churches that closed because no longer sustainable:  None

Did your conference adopt a reaffiliation policy and, if so, did any churches return? No

Any special annual conference set: Fall 2024 (date to be determined)

What budget did the conference pass and how did it change from last year? No budget passed

Other resolutions adopted by the conference:

  • Adopted a resolution supporting the removal of the exemptions on APR limits for Payday Lenders in the state while affirming United Methodist opposition to “harmful lending practices.”
  • Adopted a petition to evaluate our current Conference Structure

Did your conference take any action related to upcoming jurisdictional or central conference gatherings? No

Number of people ordained, commissioned or received into associate membership, and average age:  Number: 6   Average Age: 33

Number of clergy retired: 1


Membership stands at 2,505, down 111 from the previous year

Worship attendance stands at 1,150, up 59. 

Church school attendance stands at 922, up 100. 

Professions or reaffirmations of faith for 2023 is 27, up 2 from 2022.

Adults and young adults in small groups for 2023 is 537, up 101 from 2022.

Worshippers engaged in mission for 2023 is 1,318, up 229 from 2022.

The Rev. James Doepken, Alaska Conference Communicator

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