
The Rev. Dr. Tércio B. Junker Photo courtesy of the Northern Illinois Conference.

In the Wesleys’ footsteps: Reflecting on justice, faith

A pilgrimage to key sites in the lives of John and Charles Wesley yields insights and inspiration to carry on their work of social and personal holiness.
Mission and Ministry
The Rev. Paul W. Chilcote. Photo courtesy of the author.

A refreshed Wesleyan vision is emerging

As it moves past a divisive time, The United Methodist Church can experience renewal by embracing the values laid out by John and Charles Wesley.
Mission and Ministry
The Rev. Dr. Jean Claude Masuka Maleka. Photo by Mike DuBose, UM News.

Mission can revitalize United Methodism

John Wesley’s principles provide a path for strengthening the denomination.
United Methodist bishops from the Philippines, Africa and the U.S. pray during morning worship Nov. 6. The Council of Bishops joined together in worship each day of its Nov. 3-8 meeting at Epworth by the Sea Conference Center on St. Simons Island, Ga. The bishops also took on a number of challenges facing The United Methodist Church. Photo by Rick Wolcott, Council of Bishops.

Bishops zero in on challenges ahead

As The United Methodist Church starts a new season, bishops discussed financial concerns and ministry needs ahead — including faith formation and care for immigrants.

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