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2024 Iowa Annual Conference

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Location of conference gathering: The MidAmerican Energy RecPlex, West Des Moines, Iowa.

Did the gathering have a theme or slogan, and if so, what was it? “Inspire.”

Officiating bishop: Bishop Kennetha J. Bigham-Tsai.

Guest speakers and memorable points or quotes by speakers: the Rev. John Elford:


The Rev. Kendal McBroom: 


Main actions enacted by the conference: 

  • The Rev. Ron Carlson elected as new conference treasurer. 
  • Judi Calhoon elected as new conference statistician.
  • There were some changes to conference nominations and election rules to mostly rely on the rules outlined in the Book of Discipline unless otherwise noted.  few things were clarified like where the director of Connectional Ministries is to be serving. 
  • The Committee on Intentional Interim-Transition Ministry was removed as those functions are cared for by the cabinet and Office of Congregational Excellences.
  • Language was cleaned up for position titles. 
  • Updating language of United Methodist Women to United Women in Faith was changed to reflect the current name of the organization.
  • Three committees are now standing committees under Connectional Ministries 1) Anti-Racism, 2) Parish Development, & 3) Hispanic/Latino Ministries
  • The Pastor's housing policy was updated. It can be found here
  • Juneteenth was added as an official paid holiday for clergy. 
  • Changing of representation of chairpersons that serve on the Conference Board of Global Ministries. 
  • Clarifications about the preconference manual and submission of petitions.
  • Updating of the list of equalization members for annual conference.

Resolutions approved were for 

  • Budget Process Communication and Transparency — so that the budget process, timeline, contact info, CFA meeting dates and summaries be shared with the conference. 
  • Budget priorities – that the budget allocations and requests focus on the priorities, values, missions and context of the conference.
  • Responding to Christian Nationalism – that the United Methodist Christians and churches strive to live and model Christianity based on the New Testament Jesus of the Gospels.
  • updating the Resolution on Palestine Human Rights – that this resolution conveys opposition to the removal of Palestinians from the Gaza Strip and the annexation of any Palestinian land.
  • Resolution to Repair Damage Done to Disciplined Clergy and to Heal — that the Iowa United Methodist Church strongly urges the Council of Bishops write letters of apology to any clergy disciplined for the clergy persons' sexuality or for actions they took on behalf of same-sex or non-binary couples who wanted to marry and that The United Methodist Church as a denomination apologize publicly to all clergy, without identifying individuals, for harm that the church's previous policies caused to the clergy person' spiritual callings, livelihoods and lives in general.
  • Response to Compass Retirement Plan — the General Conference delegation will look for partners that will help study the impact of pay inequity and its impact on retirement balances and bring back information to the 2025 annual conference.

Is the conference planning any new initiatives? No.

Did the conference take any action related to the recent General Conference?

  • Resolution to Repair Damage Done to Disciplined Clergy and to Heal — that the Iowa United Methodist Church strongly urges the Council of Bishops to write letters of apology to any clergy disciplined for the clergy persons' sexuality or for actions they took on behalf of same-sex or non-binary couples who wanted to marry, and that The United Methodist Church as a denomination apologize publicly to all clergy, without identifying individuals, for harm that the church's previous policies caused to the clergy person' spiritual callings, livelihoods and lives in general
  • Response to Compass Retirement Plan — the General Conference delegation will look for partners that will help study the impact of pay inequity and its impact on retirement balances bringing back information to the 2025 Annual Conference.

Did your conference approve redistricting or redrawing of conference lines? If so, please share details. No.

Is your conference planning to merge with another conference or conferences? Not at this time, but the North Central Jurisdiction may change that.

Did the conference approve any churches leaving the conference (and if so, please list each church)? No.

Number of churches that closed because no longer sustainable: 12

Did your conference adopt a reaffiliation policy and, if so, did any churches return? No.

Any special Annual Conference set: No.

What budget did the conference pass and how did it change from last year? Budget:

It increased by 2.8%.

Did your conference take any action related to upcoming jurisdictional or central conference gatherings? No.

Number of people ordained, commissioned or received into associate membership, and average age: five ordained, three commissioned, four transfers from other annual conferences, one transfer from other Methodist denominations and nine completed Course of Study. 

Number of clergy retired: 28

Membership stands at 100,600 (2023), down 31,891 from the previous year (2022). 

Average attendance at the principal weekly worship service(s): 29,476 (2022) down -7,027 from 22,449 (2023)

Average number of persons who worship online: 24,814 (2022) down 10,305 from 14,509 (2023)

Church school/Small Group attendance:




Number of CHILDREN in all Christian formation groups and other small group ministries Ages 0-11




Number of YOUTH in all Christian formation groups and other small group ministries Ages 12-18




Number of YOUNG ADULTS in all Christian formation groups and other small group ministries Ages 19-30




Number of OTHER ADULTS in all Christian formation groups and other small group ministries Ages 31 and older




TOTAL number of persons participating in Christian formation groups




Total enrolled in confirmation classes this year




Average attendance in Sunday church school (all ages)




Number of short-term classes and groups (all ages)




Professions or reaffirmations of faith:




Received this year on Profession of Faith through confirmation




Received this year on Profession of Faith other than confirmation




Worshippers engaged in mission:




Number of church members participating in any UMVIM team




Number of persons from your congregation engaged in mission/community ministries




Number of persons served by community ministries for outreach, justice, and mercy




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