General Agencies

General Church
Members of the United Women in Faith Program Advisory Group celebrate the announcement of Assembly 2026, scheduled for May 15-17, 2026, in Indianapolis. Board and program advisory group members met in person March 6-9 at Scarritt Bennett Center in Nashville, Tenn., the organization’s first in-person meeting since early 2020. Pictured in the foreground are board member Marilyn Sanchez Reid of the Western Jurisdiction and Vice President Heidi Careaga of the North Central Jurisdiction. Photo by Mike DuBose, UM News.

Women’s group plans assembly, calls for justice

United Women in Faith kicked off plans for Assembly 2026 in Indianapolis and heard the call to act now for racial justice.
Church History
Ashley Boggan, top executive of the United Methodist Commission on Archives and History, gifts Pope Francis, head of the Catholic Church, with a John Wesley bobblehead on Sept. 6, 2023, while in Italy for the European Methodist Historical Conference. Seated from left are the Rev. Matthew Laferty, director of the Methodist Ecumenical Office Rome; Boggan, Ulrike Schuler with the United Methodist Board of Higher Education and Ministry, and Lara Herrmann, a student and Schuler’s granddaughter. File photo courtesy of Vatican Media.

Archives and History sets big plans

Ambitious plans are brewing at the United Methodist Commission on Archives and History, in a time when budgets in The United Methodist Church are being cut. Top executive Ashley Boggan talks about those plans and raising the money to pay for them.
General Agencies
Ashley Boggan, top executive of the United Methodist Commission on Archives and History, speaks in a video being produced by United Methodist Communications. Archives and History’s partnership with United Methodist Communications enables the history agency to share its resources using up-to-date production technology. Photo by Stacey Hagewood, United Methodist Communications.

Communications agency restructures for church’s new day

With its budget cut by more than half, United Methodist Communications has restructured with plans to serve the denomination’s needs into the future.
General Agencies
A procession of United Methodist bishops leads opening worship at the 2024 United Methodist General Conference in Charlotte, N.C. At the bishops’ request, the board of the General Council on Finance and Administration approved a 2025 spending plan that includes no raises for the episcopal leaders. Photo by Mike DuBose, UM News.

Bishops forgo pay raises to shore up funds

As The United Methodist Church deals with deep budget cuts, the denomination’s financial leaders supported the bishops’ request for no salary increase.

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